Soybean is well known as the raw material for the production of traditional food in Indonesia, such as tempeh and tofu, while in the USA it is widely used to produce oil, because the fat content is quite high at 14-23%, and an average of 19%. Therefore, soybean oil has long been known as a frying medium which is commonly used in the United States and European countries. But in Asian countries, especially Southeast Asia, palm and coconut oil is more commonly used for frying because of the availability of its raw materials that is abundant in that region. The debate regarding the impact of the fatty acid content of the three types of frying medium on health is rising. Therefore, the fatty acid composition of soybean oil and the consequence should be understood first.
Oil content and composition in soybean are influenced by varieties, climate, and growing conditions. Crude fat content indicate the presence of triglycerides 90-95%, while the rest is phosphatides, free fatty acids, sterols, and tocopherols. Its oil content is relatively lower than other types of beans, but higher than the cereals. High protein levels lead to its common usage as protein source instead of oil sources in some countries.
Fatty acid composition of soybean oil is rich in essential fat (linoleat/omega-3 and linolenat/omega-6) that is needed by human body and is claimed to prevent atherosclerosis. In more detail, unsaturated fat content is about 85%, consisting of oleic (11-60%), linoleic (15-64%), linolenic (1-12), and arachidonat (1.5%), while its saturated fat is about 15%, consisting of palmitic (7-10%), stearic (2-5%), and others (0.2%). Nevertheless, it will be damaged during heating, for example when it is used for frying as linoleic and linolenic are more sensitive to heat than oleic. It also must go through the process of hydrogenation in order to increase the stability. This makes oil hydrogenation produces trans fat which is also bad for the heart. Several efforts have been done, such as natural pollination research by the team of researchers from the University of Missouri and rotation with corn by Nacer Bellaloui (2010) to increase the oleic in fatty acid composition of soybean oil, because it is more stable to heat so it does not require hydrogenation.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Benefits of castor oil
Benefits of castor oil is to replace diesel oil as the generate electrical power. The tree can be cultivated in almost all regions of Indonesia. So, this help people to meet the energy needs of remote areas and this power can be produced by the communities that need electricity. Research about this new commodity has been conducted by Dr. Ir Robert Manurung MEng, lecturer in the Department of Industrial Chemistry Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB), accompanied by Eiichi Kobayashi Masanori Nagayama and from New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), under the Japanese Government agency that helps the research of new energy sources. Castor oil is obtained from Jatropha curcas L. which is a bush family of Euphorbiaceae. Within five months, this drought-resistant plants is starting to bear fruit, full productive at the age of five years old, and its productive life reach 50.
In fact, a coal mining company and a Japanese manufacturer of heavy equipment operating in Indonesia have developed new business opportunities in the form of the production of fuel from castor oil. The capacity is expected about 8,000 tons per year by 2012. This natural power resources is expected to live 100 units of mining dump trucks with a capacity of 90 tonnes used in coal mines in South Kalimantan. The biodiesel from jatropha would replace 20 percent of fossil fuel use which can not be recycled. To obtain the planned capacity of 8,000 tons per annum, this requires 4,000 hectares of cultivation land.
In addition, benefits of castor oil is to improve people's welfare, especially in areas with low natural resources. If each farmer were given the right to manage three acres of dry land, with a density of 2,500 trees per hectare and the productivity of 10 000 kilograms beans per hectare and the price of IDR 500 per kilogram of seed, of a family farmer can earn IDR1.25 million per month from the beans. Castor oil can be obtained by simple direct expelling or pressing so that an investment of IDR 3-4 million is sufficient to produce 40 liters of oil per day. Unlike other biodiesel, it does not need any additional ethanol or methanol. Its use could also be 100 percent, no more diesel fuel to be mixed, said Manurung.
In terms of health, jatropha vegetable oil also has anti-microbial properties of pathogenic bacteria, which in the form of soap, it is more active soap to get rid of the bacteria S. aureus and E. coli than any other vegetable oil-based soap. According Aprilian Salis, from PT Pertamina DOH Kalimantan, if properly managed, the benefits of castor oil could reach 30 to 40 percent of total fuel consumption in Indonesia.
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Monday, June 18, 2012
How to reduce fat
How to reduce fat is a common question for them whom tend to pay attention to their own appearance, especially women. It tends to lead to an unattractive appearance. But we can not eliminate then on just one particular part of our body, except with liposuction. Liposuction is done by a lot of people who want to lose fat, especially belly ones, quickly and instantaneously. This method is only recommended for certain patient. The doctors usually only recommend liposuction for patients with severe obesity and fat while exercising is hard to remove it completely. This usually occurs in certain hormonal conditions.
How to reduce fat in body using natural
food is the next question. The use of fat buster in certain body parts
with synthetic drugs- such as advertised one- and is not good and not
useful. If you are more interested in using natural ingredients to help
you get your ideal weight, you could put turmeric or chilli in your
diet. Chilli helps you to slow down your appetite.
Fat in our can be burned with aerobic activities, such as jogging,
walking, gymnastics, or swimming. You can perform these while listening
to music, through the parks or place which is fun and special for you so
you do not feel bored while doing it.
To keep the heart healthy, get enough exercise 3-5 times per week with a
duration of 20-30 minutes. You should choose the type of exercise that
you can do it with a regular rhythm such as jogging or walking
regularly. Change from slow to fast movements suddenly as the movement
which is often done in a game sports such as soccer or badminton should
be avoided, especially for those who are not young anymore or have a
heart disease record. Although you're eager to practice the tips on how to reduce fat but you must remember that excessive exercise makes us tired, disturbed sleep, easily hurt, and cause heart problems.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012
How to store cooking oil properly
How to store cooking oil properly is as follows. It should be kept in a dark-colored packaging. It is intended to avoid rancidity, because of oxidation due to contact with air and is triggered by ultraviolet in the sunray. Recently, it is sold in the market in transparent or translucent-colored package. It aims to be easily visible. In addition, the consumer preference to its packaging is transparent. Yet this preference is not appropriate because it can be easily oxidized, so it becomes rancid.
Store cooking oil properly in sealed containers and away from heat sources such as light, stove, and the sun! The bad habit to put it near a heat source will cause fortified vitamin A will be reduced even in very small amounts. Vitamin A contained will be damaged because vitamin A is one of micro substances which is sensitive to acid and oxidation when exposed to direct sunlight, and easily damaged by heat. So, the key to store cooking oil properly is keep it away from the factors inducing its deterioration, such as UV, heat, air, and even metals.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Specialty fats products
The characteristics of specialty fats products are very different from the fat in general such as margarine, shortening, pastry fat, filling / cream fat, and the othes. In general, its application are divided into three groups: (i) the molded products such as chocolate bars and pralines, (ii) coated / enrobed products, ie, chocolate coatings / non-chocolate wafers, biscuits, nuts, fruits and other and (iii) filling or center in the confectionery product.
This characteristic is related to the crystal structure, in which brown fat has a structure of β (beta) with the crystal density arrangement and melting point is high, the speed of crystal growth is relatively slow, but has a very stable crystalline construction. On the other hand, other types generally have a form of β'(beta-prime) that has the opposite properties. The distinction of its structure is very difficult to distinguish from its melting point, and the parameters that can describe the typical characteristics of brown fat is solid fat content (SFC). SFC profile of specialty fats should be sharp and steep, where at temperatures less than 25 degree C they should have SFC more than 68% to ensure the hard and brittle texture, as well as at temperature of 35 degree C should have SFC less than 5% to ensure no waxy taste in the mouth when chocolate consumed.
They are sometimes called by confectionery fat, hard butter, or cocoa butter alternatives (CBA). In general, specialty fats are divided into 3 groups, namely: Cocoa Butter Equivalent (CBE), CB Replacer (CBR), CB Substitute (CBS).
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Bad fat in fast food
Even Greyson Chance rumored to be visiting Jakarta, Indonesia, likes fast food (FF). But did you ever think that fast food contains bad fat ? Dr. Ratna Djuwita from the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia said that in modern times, people still eat bad fat from unhealthy option like FF. She obtained this opinion from the results of her study on nutrients of four Indonesia ethnic: Minang Kabau, Sundanese, Javanese and Bugis. She added that their intake is sufficient in quantity, but the quality is not good.
That opinion was indirectly supported by researcher from Harvard University, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian. But he also said that some of the leading restaurants managed to reduce the bad fat in fast food production in the United States, in order to reduce the risk of being overweight or obese to the consumer. He added that some of the restaurants succeeded in reducing the trans fat (TF) content and saturated fat (SF) content in their product to the safe limit established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or FDA to zero grams (TF) while the SF content up to 2 to 8 grams. However, there are still many restaurants not meet health requirements from the rules set by MOH of Uncle Sam. Although no direct chemical testing, Research Center for the Public Interest CSPI says the research is based on the nutrition label are listed in 85 major industrial products are submitted to the FDA.
There are several reasons why you should reduce the consumption of fast food.
1. It contains ingredients that give the delicious sensation (such as bad fat and sugar) so that you hooked and stimulate you to continue to eat as often as possible. This sometimes makes you eat them regularly every day. Avoid this by changing your eat habits with healthier stuff, like fruits and vegetables fresh.
2. If you like eating them and rarely exercise, then in a few weeks your body will experience weight gain which is not healthy. The bad fat in fast food are then stored and accumulate in your body.
3. Salt can make your menu much more enjoyable. Almost all FF contain high salt. Salt contains sodium. When the level of sodium in the blood is high and cannot be removed by the kidneys, blood volume increases because sodium tends to attract and retain water. This increase causes your heart to work harder to drain the blood throughout the body that causes high blood pressure.
Dr. Ratna suggest that from the consumption of total fat, SF should be no more than 10 percent, and 20 percent unsaturated consisting of 60-10 percent PUFA and 10 percent MUFA.
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Friday, November 11, 2011
Indonesia Palm Oil Industry Barriers
Secretary General of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki), Joko Supriyono, explains that there are six barriers to palm oil industry in Indonesia that lead to expanding difficulties or competitiveness declining if they are not removed.
a. Unclear policies for the land that will be used for development of new plantation as the result of imperfections of national spatial issues and the Provincial Spatial Plan (RTRWP). In addition, there are legal uncertainty of the legal status of the land. These conditions make concessionaires and investors choose to wait and see which of course will affect the rate of plantations expansion.
b. The second barrier: a moratorium policy on primary forests and peatlands can actually complicate the resolution of land issues that have previously been faced with the RTRWP problem.
The president instruction concerning the moratorium is considered to collide with other regulations such as the Law Number 41 (1999) regarding Forestry. On this basis, the policy of a moratorium be counterproductive to the development of palm oil industry.
Although the government provides the degraded land area of 35.2 million ha but its status still in doubt because this areas includes forest areas.
c. The third of Indonesia palm oil industry barriers, high CPO export tax which is progressive is proven not effective to suppress the volume of exports of CPO and have not been able to encourage the development of downstream industry in this country.
Instead, the tax is believed to be unfair to producers of raw materials either state or private estates and smallholders because they do not enjoy increased margins that should be obtained from the high price of CPO in the world today. So it is not appropriate if the tax is planned as the main instrument as the downstream industry actually need more appropriate incentives and attractive.
d. Fourth barrier, the development of palm plantations that led to Eastern Indonesia is less supported by adequate infrastructure such as ports. Supposedly there is an export port in Kalimantan to facilitate CPO sales abroad. In consideration, the total production of crude palm oil (CPO) from Kalimantan and Sulawesi has reached 30 percent of national production. It is also expected soon realized the development of industrial clusters to encourage the growth of the downstream industry.
e. Fifth barrier, the CPO business was harmed by the application of tax rules regarding VAT on primary products of fresh palm bunch (TBS/ Tandan Buah Segar). Because the VAT of TBS is waived so that TBS for input tax on production factors goods couldn’t be credited and become an additional burden. As a result, it leads to double taxation to the integrated companies (production-processing).
f. Sixth, the government should make climate change mitigation program with its own forces without involving foreign aid to overcome Indonesia palm oil industry barrier. The involvement of foreign funds will only make this country more dependent on other countries, while foreign aid is not necessarily give a direct impact on employment and poverty reduction.
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