Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Type of foods high in trans fats

Why does your favorite potatoes and fried chicken from restaurant feels more delicous and crispy than you cook by yourself at home? The answer probably is trans fats. It contribute to foods texture, better taste and give you high energy, but it is not good for heart health. It can also raise cholesterol levels, exacerbating inflammation, reduce levels of good cholesterol that prevent heart disease and cancer risk. So what is type of foods high in trans fats ?

Instant cake mix
It is certainly easier to make cookies with instant cake mix. But it's better if you make the cake from begining to the finished cake to ensure you have served the healthy kind of foods for your family.
French fries
Who does not like french fries. Its delicious taste that will make anyone want to eat it more. However, unfortunately the fries contain trans fats which come from the frying.
Fried foods
Just like french fries, you never really know what oil is used to fry it. And it should be avoided if you are not sure of the materials used. Then, frying with used oil or using the same oil for frying repeatedly may be also bad for your health.
Frozen cakes and pies
Baked products that you buy from stores, especially those that can be stored for a long time, may contain this kind of material. Frozen cakes and pies are often a source of type of foods high in trans fats you should avoid.
Without that ingredient, donuts will be very oily. In order to create softer texture, snacks such as cake, donuts, and cookies using it.
Pop corn
Popcorn sold in movie theaters may contain these ingredients. To keep the taste, the use of margarine may be substituted with butter.
Coffee creamer
Creams contained in many snacks and beverages, such as coffee, are trans fats.
Biscuits (crackers)
Most crackers use this product, which can be replaced with soy or canola oil to make it safe.
Foods and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that they will restrict or prohibit trans fats significantly from foods in the U.S. This agency decided that it was not safe for human health, and should not be in the foods we eat. In 1999, the FDA first proposed that manufacturers should disclose the content of trans fats on nutrition labels, but it did not become a requirement until 2006. Many of the companies have gotten removed it from their products, and New York City even ban trans fats from restaurant foods in 2006. But, according to the FDA, there are type of foods high in trans fats, such as donuts, biscuits crackers, popcorn, frozen pizza, coffee creamer, frozen dough products as well as canned products. It is a real challenge for the industry and scientists.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Vegetable oils products, free of trans fats

Trans fats linked so far to cardiovascular disease, although on the other hand, contribute to food texture preferred by consumers. It can be formed, for example when some types of margarine (which is produced by the partial hydrogenation) are heated. Therefore, it needs to be reconsidered to develop products that are more friendly to health, and off course still maintain the sensory value. Actually increasing concern for health is a chance for the industry, particularly palm oil to produce vegetable oils products that are free of trans fats because it does not contain the types of fats.

Research conducted by Byung Hee Kim et al (2009) from the University of Georgia said that the interesterification mixture from vegetable oil of canola, palm stearin (PS), and palm kernel with a certain ratio produced margarine with the same quality as a commercial margarine. As for shortening, a mixture of PS and coconut oil (CnO) produced fats that can be used as an elastic shortening. Jeyarani et al. (2009) in a report published by the Journal of Food Chemistry stated that a mixture with a certain ratio of PS and CnO has a wider melting range, making it suitable to be used as a shortening.
Other alternatives of vegetable oils products that are free of trans fats is to develop Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS). It can be produced from vegetable oils and fats by chemical means or fractionation and enzymatic processing. CBS manufacture technology from palm kernel oil (PKO) has been developed into a large industrial scale including fractionation and hydrogenation and its combination. But this technology in small-scale industries are not yet available. PO Research Center in Indonesia has resulted technology of full hydrogenation process for crude PKO and without producing trans fats under conditions of moderate temperature and high pressure. Magnification scale into 100 kg/batch needs to be done and the process conditions are optimized to support the use of PKO in small and medium scale industries. The process of hydrogenation use hydrogen to saturate the unsaturated fatty acids with the aid of a catalyst. Commonly used catalyst is the nickel. The fats products which contain no trans fats is important because of its low density increase lipoprotein (LDL) and lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) thus becomes an important risk factor in coronary heart disease.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Trans fats in snack

World snack industries are growing quite rapidly. Innovation and high market demand is the key why the product is still evolving. In fact, this excessive consumption is often regarded as the cause of several health problems. For example, obesity, trans fats in snacks, acrylamide, and so on.
The substantial processing of trans fats solidify liquid oils (usually vegetable oil) with hydrogen gas in a process known as hydrogenation (ie, by adding hydrogen to them). This processing is performed to improve the oxidative stability so that the product is not susceptible to oxidation processes. This process is used to make margarine. Most of them are artificially synthesized through a chemical process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oil. In short words, it means changing liquid oils into solid fats.
The benefits of this hydrogenation are the cheap product with a longer period of storage and extending its shelf life and adding flavor savory meal. Trans fats in snacks can make delicious stuff, and french fries in fast food restaurants favored by many people. With this fat biscuits may last more than 1 year . Another feature of these ingredients is to make the food tasty textured or easily melted in the mouth, crispy, and generate flavor and aroma of savory and delicious. Children generally love this kind of snack.
They are formed through a process of partial hydrogenation and its existence becomes a very important issue in recent years. This is because of the presence of trans fatty acids can lead to increased levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood and the risk of heart disease. So it is understood if the USFDA requires to include the presence of these fatty acids in the label. However, in recent years many food manufacturers have taken steps to limit or eliminate trans fats in snacks. Several fast food restaurants, since a decade ago claimed to have stopped cooking fries using it. Many company websites claim that all kinds of fried foods have trans fats free. Even New York City in 2007 adopted regulations that prohibit partially hydrogenated vegetable oil spread in the restaurant.
Since 2005, food manufacturers have claimed to lower their amount in snacks to more than 73 %. Trans fats intake among U.S. consumers declined from 4.6 grams per day in 2003 to about 1 gram per day in 2012, according to FDA. Other countries also trying to reduce them in snacks are Brazil, Costa Rica, Denmark, the Netherlands, South Korea and the United States and has been proven effective over the past two decades, according to the WHO.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

How to reduce fat

How to reduce fat is a common question for them whom tend to pay attention to their own appearance, especially women. It tends to lead to an unattractive appearance. But we can not eliminate then on just one particular part of our body, except with liposuction. Liposuction is done by a lot of people who want to lose fat, especially belly ones, quickly and instantaneously. This method is only recommended for certain patient. The doctors usually only recommend liposuction for patients with severe obesity and fat while exercising is hard to remove it completely. This usually occurs in certain hormonal conditions.
How to reduce fat in body using natural food is the next question. The use of fat buster in certain body parts with synthetic drugs- such as advertised one- and is not good and not useful. If you are more interested in using natural ingredients to help you get your ideal weight, you could put turmeric or chilli in your diet. Chilli helps you to slow down your appetite.
Fat in our can be burned with aerobic activities, such as jogging, walking, gymnastics, or swimming. You can perform these while listening to music, through the parks or place which is fun and special for you so you do not feel bored while doing it.
To keep the heart healthy, get enough exercise 3-5 times per week with a duration of 20-30 minutes. You should choose the type of exercise that you can do it with a regular rhythm such as jogging or walking regularly. Change from slow to fast movements suddenly as the movement which is often done in a game sports such as soccer or badminton should be avoided, especially for those who are not young anymore or have a heart disease record. Although you're eager to practice the tips on how to reduce fat but you must remember that excessive exercise makes us tired, disturbed sleep, easily hurt, and cause heart problems.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Specialty fats products

The characteristics of specialty fats products are very different from the fat in general such as margarine, shortening, pastry fat, filling / cream fat, and the othes. In general, its application are divided into three groups: (i) the molded products such as chocolate bars and pralines, (ii) coated / enrobed products, ie, chocolate coatings / non-chocolate wafers, biscuits, nuts, fruits and other and (iii) filling or center in the confectionery product.
This characteristic is related to the crystal structure, in which brown fat has a structure of β (beta) with the crystal density arrangement and melting point is high, the speed of crystal growth is relatively slow, but has a very stable crystalline construction. On the other hand, other types generally have a form of β'(beta-prime) that has the opposite properties. The distinction of its structure is very difficult to distinguish from its melting point, and the parameters that can describe the typical characteristics of brown fat is solid fat content (SFC). SFC profile of specialty fats should be sharp and steep, where at temperatures less than 25 degree C they should have SFC more than 68% to ensure the hard and brittle texture, as well as at temperature of 35 degree C should have SFC less than 5% to ensure no waxy taste in the mouth when chocolate consumed.
They are sometimes called by confectionery fat, hard butter, or cocoa butter alternatives (CBA). In general, specialty fats are divided into 3 groups, namely: Cocoa Butter Equivalent (CBE), CB Replacer (CBR), CB Substitute (CBS).

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bad fat in fast food

Even Greyson Chance rumored to be visiting Jakarta, Indonesia, likes fast food (FF). But did you ever think that fast food contains bad fat ? Dr. Ratna Djuwita from the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia said that in modern times, people still eat bad fat from unhealthy option like FF. She obtained this opinion from the results of her study on nutrients of four Indonesia ethnic: Minang Kabau, Sundanese, Javanese and Bugis. She added that their intake is sufficient in quantity, but the quality is not good.
That opinion was indirectly supported by researcher from Harvard University, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian. But he also said that some of the leading restaurants managed to reduce the bad fat in fast food production in the United States, in order to reduce the risk of being overweight or obese to the consumer. He added that some of the restaurants succeeded in reducing the trans fat (TF) content and saturated fat (SF) content in their product to the safe limit established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or FDA to zero grams (TF) while the SF content up to 2 to 8 grams. However, there are still many restaurants not meet health requirements from the rules set by MOH of Uncle Sam. Although no direct chemical testing, Research Center for the Public Interest CSPI says the research is based on the nutrition label are listed in 85 major industrial products are submitted to the FDA.
There are several reasons why you should reduce the consumption of fast food.
1. It contains ingredients that give the delicious sensation (such as bad fat and sugar) so that you hooked and stimulate you to continue to eat as often as possible. This sometimes makes you eat them regularly every day. Avoid this by changing your eat habits with healthier stuff, like fruits and vegetables fresh.
2. If you like eating them and rarely exercise, then in a few weeks your body will experience weight gain which is not healthy. The bad fat in fast food are then stored and accumulate in your body.
3. Salt can make your menu much more enjoyable. Almost all FF contain high salt. Salt contains sodium. When the level of sodium in the blood is high and cannot be removed by the kidneys, blood volume increases because sodium tends to attract and retain water. This increase causes your heart to work harder to drain the blood throughout the body that causes high blood pressure.
Dr. Ratna suggest that from the consumption of total fat, SF should be no more than 10 percent, and 20 percent unsaturated consisting of 60-10 percent PUFA and 10 percent MUFA.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unsaturated fatty acid

Unsaturated fatty acid (UFA), such as monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), can have positive health benefits when consumed in sufficient quantities. Actually there so many fat types and certain types have benefits for heart health?
Classification of fats and oils can be viewed from several aspects, one of which is its saturation aspect. They can be distinguished based on its double bonds. Saturated (SFA) if it doesn’t has any double bond and unsaturated if it has one, two or three double bonds.
Examples of unsaturated fat
There are so many kind of agricultural product which contain high UFA, such as sunflower, canola, olive, soybean, peanut, flax seed, and fish oil.
The examples mentioned above, more specifically also contain high essential fatty acids - linoleic acid (Omega 6), alpha linoleic acid (Omega 3) and arachidonic acid. The scientists found that they proved to have several important benefits such as helping the body burn the fat, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), helps in the lubrication of joints, prevent strokes, maintaining blood pressure, and optimize brain health.
Unsaturated fat benefits
Is good fat really exist? We always have long been told to limit the amount of fat in our diet in order to keep our cholesterol levels. The fact is, we need a certain amount of them in our diets. It helps us absorb essential vitamins like A, D, E, and K
A study by Grundy from the Faculty of Medicine, California, USA, proves that the body's cholesterol levels may go down if the diet contains more MUFA and PUFA than SFA. Dietary SFA for a month proved to raise cholesterol levels. While the dietary MUFA, dropped it sharply, including LDL and HDL. In dietary PUFA, LDL and total cholesterol decreased, while HDL relatively unchanged.
PUFA are known to increase the intelligence and the immune system of children under five. Long chain unsaturated fatty acid (especially the omega - 3 DHA) have been shown to play an important role in the prevention and treatment of blocked arteries (atherosclerosis), thrombosis, hypertriglyceridemia, and high blood pressure. It has the potential for prevention and treatment of asthma, arthritis, migraine, and some types of cancer which is prostate, breast and colon cancer.
Unsaturated fat types
Most of UFA are fatty acids containing one double bond in their hydrocarbon chain. Fatty acids with more than one double bond are unusual, mainly found in vegetable oil, and called by PUFA. Polyunsaturated triglycerides tend to form oil.
PUFA can lower total blood cholesterol, especially LDL. If you want to consume this, you can be choose fish, seafood, safflower oil (Carthamus tinctorius), and sun flower oil. MUFA can reduce the presence of bad fats in the blood, such as cholesterol. By consuming them, HDL rises and LDL cholesterol goes down. So, it is good to be eaten for health. It is contained in olive oil, canola oil peanut oils, meat, fish, poultry, and avocado.
Unsaturated fat health risk
Although it is considered as a good fat, excessive consumption of UFA remain dangerous. If the total fat intake is more than 30 percent of food consumed, fat deposits in the body will increase. It increases the risk factor of increased blood fat that can cause heart and blood vessel disease. UFA forms the cell wall of the body. Consumption of high UFA should be followed by adequate intake of antioxidants such as vitamin E.
SFA, UFA, and trans would enhance the body's calorie. The public still considers only SFA which is bad for health, which are widely found in meat and its derivative products and fried foods. Each 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, whereas 1 gram of starchy produces only 4 calories.
In addition to long chain SFA, trans fats is also bad for health. These are produced through industrial processes, such as margarine and cooking oil. In food packaging, it is called as hydrogenated fat. They do not only increase LDL, but also lowers the amount of good cholesterol. Unlike the SFA that only increase LDL.
The role of unsaturated fatty acid need to be studied further to ensure the influence of food and agricultural products that contain these components on human health.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tips to reduce acrylamide formation in snack and tips to reduce trans fatty acid

Here are some tips that can be used to reduce formation of acrylamide in products including snack product:
• Use ingredient to prevent the reaction between asparagine and reducing sugars.
• Change the asparagine into other forms, such as aspartic acid, by using enzymes.
• Modification of processes, mainly related to temperature, time, and pH.
• Less / replace the use of raw materials / ingredient containing asparagine and / or a reducing sugar.
World snack industry grow quite rapidly. Innovation and high market demand is the key to why the product is still evolving. In fact, excessive snack consumption is often regarded as a cause of some health problems. For example, obesity, trans fatty acids, acrylamide, and so on.
The condition is exactly what later became a trend in the development of new products. Many industries are then trying to change the image by designing a healthy snack snack. It feels easier, because the food industry also received support from ingredient industry, machinery and other supporting industries. Some snack products that offer health effects of reducing agent, which is an important stage of the formation of acrylamide.
In addition, the use of amino acids are also widely studied. For example proline amino acids commonly found in flour that also could reduce acrylamide formation by 80%. The same is true of several other amino acids, namely tryptophan, cysteine, and glycine, although the level of effectiveness varies.
Meanwhile, researchers from China in a report published by the Journal of Food Chemistry reported that vitamin B3, can also be used to inhibit the formation of acrylamide in french fries by 50%. In that study, Zeng et al. (2009) actually use different types of vitamins, both water-soluble or water insoluble. However, vitamin B3 has the best effectiveness.
Tips to reduce trans fatty acids
Trans fatty acids are formed through partial hydrogenation process and its existence becomes a very important issue in recent years. It is not because the presence of trans fatty acids can lead to greater levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood and the risk of heart disease. So it is not strange if the USFDA requires to include the presence of these fatty acids in the label.
In the snack industry, the presence of trans fatty acids derived from fats and oils are used, especially the shortening and margarine. Actually, the increasing awareness of trans fatty acids is a separate chance for the national oil industry, because the palm oil contains no trans fatty acids.
Research conducted by Byung Hee Kim et al (2009) from the University of Georgia says, that interesterification of a mixture from canola oil, palm stearin and palm kernel oil with a certain ratio can produce a margarine with the same quality as commercial margarine. As for the shortening, a mixture of palm stearin and palm oil can produce a fat that is plastic that can be used as shortening. Jeyarani et al. (2009) in a report published by the Journal of Food Chemistry stated that a mixture containing 60-70% palm stearin palm stearin and 30-40% have a wider melting range, making it suitable to be used as a shortening.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is emulsifier definition?

Recently, developments in food science and technology are going more rapidly. Processed food products are produced to meet various consumer demands. In several markets, both traditional and at the mall, it is not difficult to find ice cream, sauces, bread with soft texture, mayonnaise, salad dressings, margarine, butter, food, baby formula and other dairy products.
The role of emulsifier
Rapidly development of new food products based emulsions caused by of the dual role of emulsifiers. The phenomenon of a mixture of water and oil tend to be separated can be fused because of "miracle" emulsifier. The compound connector that has two distinct poles, pole of polar and non polar, interacts specifically with the two liquids are not mutually dissolved. Under normal conditions, one liquid dispersed into a liquid that does not dissolve each other. Under abnormal conditions, one liquid dispersed in another liquid as globule whose diameter varies between 0.1 and 100 um. Small scattered globule called discontinuous phase. Meanwhile, the medium of the discontinuous phase is referred to as the continuous phase.
Ability emulsifier lowers the surface tension is a way to break the hydrogen bonds at the surface through the hydrophilic head drawdown at the water surface with a hydrophobic tail stretched away from the water surface.
When oil and water mixture shaken, then it provides the mechanical energy, so that droplets of oil dispersed into water and the emulsion is formed. However, this emulsion system is unstable and soon rejoined the oil droplets. In order for oil or water droplets dispersed in both the long time it takes the presence of an appropriate emulsifier.
The definition of emulsifier
Thus, by definition, emulsifiers is a compound having surface activity (surface-active agents) so as to lower the surface tension (surface tension) between the air-liquid and liquid-liquid contained in a system (in this case is a system of food).
Types of emulsifiers and examples of emulsifiers
Examples of emulsions in food systems include milk, margarine, and ice cream. While in general, emulsifiers consist of a natural emulsifier and artificial emulsifier (synthetic emulsifier). Natural emulsifier made from ingredients derived from nature. Eg from soy beans, egg yolks and so on. In the soybean seed, its oil content are very high, in addition to water. Both are connected by a substance called lecithin. The material is then extracted or taken to be emulsifiers that can be used in processing products.
Actually, lecithin is naturally present also in other grains as well as in animal products, like eggs and brains. But the lecithin that is easy and inexpensive to use is found in soybean seeds.
If lecithin is derived from soy beans, then the terms of the halal will be safer. But it is possible to extract lecithin from other materials, such as eggs and animal brains. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of emulsifying, the lecithin is sometimes added with a specific enzyme. This enzyme also needs to watch out its halal status, because it can come from sources that aren’t considered as halal.
The artificial or synthetic emulsifiers are derived from a human engineering to produce a bridge between oil and water. Although it is called as synthetic, but it is not entirely derived from synthetic materials. Only its manufacturing process are designed man-made, but the materials are often derived from natural ingredients.
Emulsifier in the manufacture of emulsion
The process of making emulsion can be done in various ways, such as by using a homogenizer. In this homogenization process, the liquid will be split into smaller droplets followed by droplet covering process by emulsifiers. If the droplet covering by the emulsifier is so slow then the droplet will be incorporated back (recoalescence) so that the droplets are formed tend to be large in size. So we need a proper selection of emulsifiers for the type of emulsion to be formed.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Frying fat on deep fat -frying (part 2)

Antioxidants play an important role to prevent oxidation by reacting with oxygen so food component is protected. Antioxidants are commonly added to the food are BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (Butylated Hydroxy Toluene), and TBHQ (Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone). Several studies have shown that TBHQ can protect the oil / fat better when compared with BHA or BHT in the frying process. Other components that also contribute to the stability of frying fat is citric acid and silicon metal or Dimethyl Polysiloxane (DMPS). Citric acid can act as a chelating (binding) the metal ions which are the catalysts of oxidation reactions.
DMPS function as anti-foam compound. The use of antioxidants TBHQ for frying fat is usually between 150-200 ppm, whereas the addition of DMPS optimum range 2-5 ppm. The role of DMPS is also associated indirectly with antioxidants, which the foam formation can accelerate oxidative deterioration. Some evaluations also showed that the use of DMPS is even more effective in preventing deterioration to the oil compared with the antioxidant BHT.
The products that have a high turnover such as in the industry of snack, does not require the use of anti-foam. But DMPS can cause problems in the attachment of the outer layer, such as the icing on the donut products, increase the absorption of oil, and reduces crispy texture of the product.
One way to maintain the quality of frying fat is the application of the top up procedure to the frying fats that have been used for several time. This relates to the term of slow oil turnover. Deterioration of oil in the frying of fast oil turnover is less, because the fresh oils / fats added continuously will stabilize the oil quality. In contrast to the frying of slow oil turnover, frying deterioration will be greater because only a little of the used frying fat old will be replaced with fresh frying fat. Increased free fatty acid content is used as an indicator of the extent of deterioration of frying fat.
Simple control of the quality of frying can be done by considering several factors such as discoloration, the formation of foam (foaming), smoke (smoking), changes in aroma and sensory evaluation of the product. Foaming or excessive smoking can cause a fire hazard. Foaming caused by high amounts of polar glycerides, especially those containing high polymer, while the smoke caused by free fatty acids and other breakdown products of low molecular weight.
While the more accurately analysis is done by measuring the parameters of free fatty acids, total polar materials, and peroxide value. All three are components of the reaction of fat frying deterioration and its value increases with increasing the deterioration.
Some developed countries have some criteria when we should not use the frying fat or oil, such as if the water content> 3 g / kg; free fatty acid content of> 1 g / kg; peroxide value> 2 meq / kg; smoke point less than 170 Celcius degree; content of polar compounds more than 25%; and polymeric compounds content> 10%.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The types of Cocoa Butter Alternatives and its physicochemical properties

Cocoa butter (CB) is a solid fat (melting point 32-35oC) with yellow light color and obtained from the seeds of cacao (Theobroma cacao), while some countries impose limits more specific, namely as a result of the pressing of cocoa nib after being separated from the shell (the process of winnowin). CB has a unique physicochemical characteristics, because its composition of triglyceride almost 80% dominated by three symmetric triglyceride (saturated-unsaturated-saturated) with oleic acid at sn-2 position, namely palmito-oleo-stearin (POS, 36-42%), stearo -oleo-stearin (SOS, 23-29%) and palmito-oleo-palmitin (POP, 13-19%).

As a consequence, the CB is hard and brittle below room temperature, but when eaten, CB completely melted in the mouth with a soft creamy texture and a soothing sensation. Therefore, in Confectionery industry, particularly chocolate-based products, the CB is an essential raw material that contributed to the textural and sensory properties of products.
However, there are many limitations associated with the use of CB, such as the supply is erratic, variability in quality, not suitable for application in hot climates and the prices are relatively expensive and fluctuate in comparison with other fats. In addition, that the chocolate products that fully utilize the CB requires tempering and prone to blooming. Therefore, efforts were made to develop a specialty fats as an alternative to the use of cocoa butter, both to replace in part or in whole of cocoa butter, which is known as Cocoa Butter Alternatives (CBA) that is also referred to as specialty fats, Confectionery fats or hard butter. CBA is usually classified into three types based on chemical composition and compatibility with CB, which is Cocoa Butter Equivalents (CBE), Cocoa Butter Substitutes (CBS) and Cocoa Butter Replacers (CBR).
CBE has physicochemical properties similar to the CB and is fully compatible with CB. CBE is designed to replace or be mixed with CB in any proportion without causing significant changes in the final quality of chocolate products, both its properties of melting, crystallization and rheology. While CBS is generally of lauric based fat which is not compatible with CB and have different chemical properties at all with CB, but some physical properties are similar, so CBS is only used as a replacement of CB. Meanwhile, the CBR has a similar distribution of fatty acids with CB, but its triglyceride structure is different, so, the fat can be compatible with CB in a small ratio only. CBR is generally based on non-lauric fats which have properties in between the CBE and CBS, so it is usually referred to as non-lauric CBS. CBE has a functionality which is highest among the three types of CBA. Therefore, the price of CBE is the least expensive among the three fat and CBS is the most inexpensive.
Palm oil and lauric oils can be used as a source of important raw materials in the development of the hard butter to get an economical cocoa butter alternative. Under the category of hard butter, lauric oils, particularly palm kernel oil and coconut oil, can be processed by interesterification and hydrogenation to produce lauric cocoa butter substitutes (CBS) that is good to eat and cheap.
Palm oil, has also been known to serve as raw materials in all types of cocoa butter alternatives, because the palm oil contains essential symmetrical triglycerides in the formulation of cocoa butter equivalent (CBE).

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Frying fat on deep fat -frying (part 1)

Frying fat or frying shortening is more commonly used in the application of deep-fat frying at the snack, instant noodles, or fast food industry. Semi-solid form of frying fat will produce the appearance of dry and not greasy.
Physical differences between the frying fat and frying oil is a solid fat content profile (SFC) or a solid fat index (SFI). The melting point of frying fat is higher than the cooking oil. The range of the ideal melting point of frying fat for tropical regions is 35-40 Celcius degree. While the ideal SFC at 30 Celcius degre range from 15-30% for the appearance of "dry" on the fried food product, and at a temperature of 35 Celcius degree is less than 12% so as not to interfere mouthfeel with layers of fat that is felt in the mouth after food is consumed. The use of frying fat with a higher melting point for the donut product will result in a donut with a delicious creamy taste, but if the same frying fat is used for frying potato chips, the chips will feel waxy when consumed. Frying fat contained in the form of semi-solid at a relatively high melting point. Furthermore, semi-solid form of pourable is preferred, because of handling the frying fat during its use, storage, and transportation will be easier.

Oil or fat as raw material used for frying fat is very broad, i.e. partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to a mixture of vegetable oil with palm stearin. Vegetable oils are commonly used as a raw material of the frying fat is palm oil, soybeans, sunflower seeds, corn, peanuts, and coconut oil.
Frying fat significantly affect the characteristics of the fried food products such as its flavor and taste, texture, shelf life, and nutritional properties, because the frying fat is absorbed into the food. Absorption rate of oil / fat for frying is very varied, depending on the temperature, the type of products that are fried, and frying operations. General range of the amount of oil absorbed by the product during frying is 8-25%. Frying fat should have a neutral taste and characteristics of the corresponding flavor release, namely the SFC profile as previously mentioned, in order not to affect the flavor of the product. But the recent development is specific flavorful fat frying, such as the aroma of beef for frying french fries and the aroma of garlic for frying snack.
The ideal temperatures and quality of frying fat, which is recommended for frying process includes the following parameters: number peroxide, linolenic acid, color, free fatty acids, the flash point, smoke point, water content, and flavor. In addition to these general parameters, there are other parameters that are used: the values of oxidative stability which is described by the AOM (active oxygen method). It is about 50 -100 hours or Peroxide Numbers increased after the heating process at the temperature of 120oC for 2 hours should not be more than 5 meg / kg .
The most important factor of frying fat product is its stability: stability against heat or stability against oxidation. If the fried food product will be consumed directly, then the stability of frying fat is more focused on its shelf life. However, for products that are not consumed directly, the oxidative stability of the final product needs to be addressed. Requirements for oxidative stability of frying fat depends on the amount of oil absorbed by the food, packaging, and shelf life of these products. On the other hand, frying involving high temperatures can result in oxidative reactions and thermal degradation. It results in decreased oil quality. Therefore, the addition of food additives needs to be done, so it can extend the life of the frying fat. Food additives that are commonly used: antioxidant and anti-foam.

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