Soybean is well known as the raw material for the production of traditional food in Indonesia, such as tempeh and tofu, while in the USA it is widely used to produce oil, because the fat content is quite high at 14-23%, and an average of 19%. Therefore, soybean oil has long been known as a frying medium which is commonly used in the United States and European countries. But in Asian countries, especially Southeast Asia, palm and coconut oil is more commonly used for frying because of the availability of its raw materials that is abundant in that region. The debate regarding the impact of the fatty acid content of the three types of frying medium on health is rising. Therefore, the fatty acid composition of soybean oil and the consequence should be understood first.
Oil content and composition in soybean are influenced by varieties, climate, and growing conditions. Crude fat content indicate the presence of triglycerides 90-95%, while the rest is phosphatides, free fatty acids, sterols, and tocopherols. Its oil content is relatively lower than other types of beans, but higher than the cereals. High protein levels lead to its common usage as protein source instead of oil sources in some countries.
Fatty acid composition of soybean oil is rich in essential fat (linoleat/omega-3 and linolenat/omega-6) that is needed by human body and is claimed to prevent atherosclerosis. In more detail, unsaturated fat content is about 85%, consisting of oleic (11-60%), linoleic (15-64%), linolenic (1-12), and arachidonat (1.5%), while its saturated fat is about 15%, consisting of palmitic (7-10%), stearic (2-5%), and others (0.2%). Nevertheless, it will be damaged during heating, for example when it is used for frying as linoleic and linolenic are more sensitive to heat than oleic. It also must go through the process of hydrogenation in order to increase the stability. This makes oil hydrogenation produces trans fat which is also bad for the heart. Several efforts have been done, such as natural pollination research by the team of researchers from the University of Missouri and rotation with corn by Nacer Bellaloui (2010) to increase the oleic in fatty acid composition of soybean oil, because it is more stable to heat so it does not require hydrogenation.
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Friday, October 14, 2011
Palm oil composition
Palm oil composition consists of a balanced fatty acid, with saturated fatty acids (SFA) content are almost the same with unsaturated fatty acids (UFA). It contains 14-45% palmitic (C16), 39-40% oleic (C18:1), 10-11% linoleic (C18:2), and 0.3 to 0.4% linolenic acid (C18:3). Linoleic and linolenic content low enough, so that it is quite stable to oxidation.
Palm oil from E. guineensis has C16 content between 27-55%, 28-56% C18:1 and C18:2 from 6.5 to 18%, while from Elaeis oleifera (widely cultivated in South and Central America) are more unsaturated than Elaeis Guineensis. The yield from Brazil are generally more unsaturated (C18:1 content of an average of 43.2% and C18:2 on average 11.5%). Similarly, the product from the Elaeis oleifera species , commonly cultivated in South America, contains 55-64% C18:1 and 16-23% C18:2. Elaeis oleifera has a ratio of the oil / bunches which is very low, so that it is commercially uneconomical. Crosses between the Eg x Eo is a hybrid that produces yield with characteristics in between.
Palm oil composition showed triacylglycerol or TAG consisting of C46 to C56, with the main TAG is C50 and C52. It can produce a variety of further processed products (olein, stearin, PMF, super olein, etc.). They also contain some useful minor components, among which are the carotenoids (500-700 ppm), tocopherols & tocotrienols (600-1000), sterols (326-527), ubiquinone (10-80), squalene (200-500) , phospholipids (5-130), triterpene alcohols (40-80), methyl sterols (40-80), aliphatic alcohols (100-200). Most of the components are no longer detectable in the refined product, except tocopherols & tocotrienols, sterols, ubiquinone, or squalene which is still quite high in quantity. Carotens and tocopherols are potent antioxidants and stabilize it against oxidation. During refining, bleaching processes, and steam deodorization remove some of these valuable components. The amount remaining in the refined product depends on the refining conditions.
They contain disaturated TAGs(POP and PPO) with high melting point and monosaturated TAGs (POO and OPO) with low melting point. Palm oil composition is unique among vegetable oils because its significant content of SFA (10-15%) at pos.-2 of the TAGs.
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Fatty acid composition of soybean oil
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Physicochemical properties of sesame oil
Sesame oil is soluble in alcohol and can be dissolved in ether, chloroform, petroleum benzene, but sesame oil is not soluble in water. After sesame oil was purified and met the quality standards of trade, sesame oil showed light yellow color, is odorless, has a savory taste and showed no symptoms of cloud at a temperature of 0 degree Celcius.
Sesame oil is used for cooking oil and for various industrial purposes. Sesame oil contains antioxidants (sesamin, and sesamolin) so sesame oil can be stored more than one year without being deteriorated (rancid). Potato chips fried in sesame oil could be stored up to three months, while potato chips fried in corn oil could only stored up to three weeks. Sesame oil contains a low saturated fatty acid, so that sesame oil provide many benefits both on health and the potential to maintain fitness.
Sesame oil contains oleic acid 35.50 to 37.5%, linoleic acid 35-50%, less than 1% linolenic acid and saturated fatty acids palmitic 11.07%. Basically, sesame oil contains high unsaponifiable matters in the form of sterols, but levels of non-oil materials is relatively low. The typical character of sesame oil is contain approximately 0.3 to 0.5% sesamoline and also contain sesamin about 0.5 to 0.1%. Sesamol in sesame oil produced from the hydrolysis of sesamoline and is an antioxidant. Phosphatides compounds present in small amount of about 0.1 percent in sesame oil, whereas the amount of tocopherol in sesame oil was less than 0.06%.
High-grade crude sesame oil can be used as a salad oil without winterization (winterization) process. Sesame oil is used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry, as in the manufacture of ammonia liniment because the physical properties of sesame oil are not easily separated . Sesame oil is synergistic with phrethrum. These were the unique characteristics of sesame oil. Sesame oil has a positive optical rotation value.
Physicochemical properties of sesame oil can be summarized as follows. Density of sesame oil at a temperature of 25 Celcius degree is 0.916 to 0.921. Refractive index of sesame oil at a temperature of 25 Celcius degree is 1.4763. Iodine value of sesame oil is 103-112. Saponification value of sesame oil is 188-193. Reichert-meiss value of sesame oil is 1.2. Hehner value of sesame oil is 95.6 to 95.9. Freezing point of sesame oil is 21 – 24 Celcius degree. Melting point of sesame oil is 21 to 31.5 Celcius degree.
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Palm oil processing
Chemical composition of corn oil
Sunflower oil
Sesame oil processing
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Soybean oil: composition and benefits.
Oil content and fatty acid composition in soybean is influenced by climatic conditions to grow and its varieties. Its crude fat consists of triglycerides by 90-95 percent, while the rest is phosphatide, free fatty acids, sterol and tocopherol. Soybean oil has a saturated fatty acid content of about 15% so it is very good as a substitute for fats and oils that are high in saturated fatty acids, such as butter and lard. Soybean oil content was relatively lower compared to other types of nuts, but higher than the oil content of cereal. High levels of soy protein causes soybean is more widely used as a protein source rather than as a source of oil.
Usefulness of purified soybean oil can be used for the manufacture of salad oil, cooking oil (cooking oil) and for all purposes of food. More than 50% of food made from soybean oil, especially margarine and shortening. Almost 90% of the production of soybean oil used in food and in the hydrogenated form, because soybean contain approximately 85% unsaturated fatty acids.
Soybean oil is also used in the manufacture of candles, soap, varnish, lacquers, paint, polish, and insecticides. Soybean meal contains 40-48% protein and is the forage of high nutritional value, is also used for making glue, plastic, foam solution, manure and synthetic textile fibers. When soybean oil is used in the field of non-food, then do not need all stages of purification performed. For example for the manufacture of soap only needs to bleaching and deodorization, so that color and odor of the soybean oil does not reduce the quality of color and smell of soap produced.
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