Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soybean oil: composition and benefits.

Oil content and fatty acid composition in soybean is influenced by climatic conditions to grow and its varieties. Its crude fat consists of triglycerides by 90-95 percent, while the rest is phosphatide, free fatty acids, sterol and tocopherol. Soybean oil has a saturated fatty acid content of about 15% so it is very good as a substitute for fats and oils that are high in saturated fatty acids, such as butter and lard. Soybean oil content was relatively lower compared to other types of nuts, but higher than the oil content of cereal. High levels of soy protein causes soybean is more widely used as a protein source rather than as a source of oil.

Usefulness of purified soybean oil can be used for the manufacture of salad oil, cooking oil (cooking oil) and for all purposes of food. More than 50% of food made from soybean oil, especially margarine and shortening. Almost 90% of the production of soybean oil used in food and in the hydrogenated form, because soybean contain approximately 85% unsaturated fatty acids.
Soybean oil is also used in the manufacture of candles, soap, varnish, lacquers, paint, polish, and insecticides. Soybean meal contains 40-48% protein and is the forage of high nutritional value, is also used for making glue, plastic, foam solution, manure and synthetic textile fibers. When soybean oil is used in the field of non-food, then do not need all stages of purification performed. For example for the manufacture of soap only needs to bleaching and deodorization, so that color and odor of the soybean oil does not reduce the quality of color and smell of soap produced.

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